As an independent research institute of the CTU, the Klokner Institute establishes cooperation with companies both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Such cooperation basically involves qualitative and quantitative research on the reliability of structures, monitoring of the behavior of buildings, and the associated processing of expert opinions on the safety of materials and structures.
- Implementation: 2019
- Client: Statutární město Hradec Králové
The subject of the diagnostics was the ceramic RAKODUR cladding of the entrance portal of the municipality building. The work included a visual inspection of the tiling and classification of the damage found, including a detailed record of the failures on a tile-by-tile basis, acoustic tracing to identify the extent of areas where the tiling had already separated from the substrate, tests to identify micro-cracks in the glaze and an assessment of the condition of the jointing. Based on the findings, the current condition of the tiles was assessed and suggestions and recommendations for the future were formulated.

- Implementation: 2020 – 2019
- Client: Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy
The Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague, in cooperation with the companies Pontex s.r.o. and Inset s.r.o., carried out an extensive diagnostic survey of the Hlávkov bridges V-010 and V-011. The old bridges over the Vltava River and Štvanice Island (V-010) were built in 1910 – 1912 according to the design of Ing. František Mencl in architectural design according to the design of arch. Pavel Janák. In 1958-1962, a project of bridge widening was implemented, when new bridges were built parallel to the old bridges in the same shape, at a distance of about 3 m from the old bridges. The gap between the bridges was bridged with reinforced concrete transition slabs. The load-bearing structure of the old bridge over the Vltava River consists of 3 arches (vaults) made of plain concrete, constructed as superimposed three-arched arches with a clear span of 36.0 m + 39.0 m + 36.0 m. Above the piers, the reinforced concrete arches are superimposed on the main arches of the bridge. The arches of the main and relief arches are divided into 3 separate arch bands in the longitudinal direction, the outermost bands being 4.95 m wide and the middle band 6.0 m wide. The works included a detailed diagnostic survey, static and dynamic load tests, structural analyses taking into account the current condition of the bridge and the results of the diagnostic works, including the determination of the load capacity of the bridge, and the installation of long-term temperature measurements in the bridge structures and measurements of movements in the joints. The service life and durability of the bridge structures were evaluated and suggestions and recommendations were formulated for the bridge manager and the reconstruction designer. The work also included a structural and historical survey prepared by the Institute of Heritage Conservation of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, with technical support from the Klokner Institute.